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News > Obituaries > Obituary - Thomas Parry (OI 1985-92)

Obituary - Thomas Parry (OI 1985-92)

We are very sad to announce the passing of Thomas who was at the School from 1985 until 1992.
10 Jun 2024
Written by Tina Harvey

We are very sorry to notify you of the passing of Tom who was at the School from 1985 until 1992. 

His passing has been remarkably devastating and has been reported in the national news. His lifetime friend Bart Seaton OI has set up a 'GoFundMe' page to help support Tom's widow, Gemma, and their youngest son. As you may know, Tom lost his life in a fall, along with his eldest son Ritchie who also passed away.

If you wish to support this fund, please follow this link - HERE

He and Ritchie will, no doubt, be sadly missed by their family and friends.

We are conscious that some people who knew Tom during his time at the School may not be in contact with us and we would be very grateful if you could pass on this information to those that you know.

As is usual practice, we would like to place an obituary for Tom in the 2023-24 OI Journal. If you know of any stories or memories which you can pass on to us so we can put them together for the publication we would be most grateful. Please address any contributions to me through

Any obituaries received will be checked and added to the website page  

Sally Webber

OI Chair


Bart Seaton OI has confirmed Tom's funeral details are as follows:

There will be a family funeral at 10.15am, followed by a memorial service on Friday 28th June at 11.00am, should any OI peers wish to pay their respects. The details are:

St Mary Magdalen’s Church - Crewe Road, Alsager, Cheshire, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 2EW (Commencing at 11.00am)

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