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News > Alumni News > Teeing Off for the Annual OI Golf Tournament

Teeing Off for the Annual OI Golf Tournament

10 Jun 2024
Written by Tina Harvey
Alumni News

It was a gloriously fine day on Friday 6 June 2024 when 41 OIs tee'd off at Ipswich Golf Club, Purdis Heath, Ipswich for a day of golf. It also proved a particularly challenging day with some very testing conditions, with rough coming up to their knees. Shyam Patel (OI 1992-03) organised the day with Steve Runnacles (OI 1963--74) and Nick Weaver, Headmaster arrived early to see everyone tee off.

The tournament came to an end with the final results:

1st place - Andrew Mann (40 points) (OI 1987-98)

2nd place - Shyam Patel (OI 1992-03)

3rd place - Edward England (OI 1995-05)

NP in two on the 11th - Dan Griffin (OI 2006-10)

NP on the 15th - Seb Abigail (OI 1998-05)

Photographs (courtesy of Warren Page) from the day are available to view via the gallery below.

Special thanks to David Rowledge OI of Alchemy Wines for sposnsoring the tournament and providing prizes. Shyam would like to extend his thanks to everyone who attended on the day, especially those who left home very early to arrive at the course in time for tee off.


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